Amarbayasgalant Monastery

Amarbayasgalant Monastery is one of the three largest Buddhist monastic centers in Mongolia. The monastery complex is located in the valley near the Selenge river in Selenge province in northern Mongolia. The construction of the monastery temples, towers and other buildings, completed in 1737. The monastery is one of only few monasteries that survived the […]


Mongolian shamanism is ethnic religion that has been practiced in Khuvsgul area where people most commonly practice shamanism. Some of the most powerful shaman live in this area. The shamanism rituals is based on the view that besides the visible world the shaman interacts with many other worlds or universes, and that contacting the spirits […]

Reindeer People-Darkhad Valley

The beautiful, mountainous Darkhad Valley, is located in the Far North of Mongolia. The area is home to some of the most powerful shamans in Mongolia. Darkhad Basin lies 50 km west of Lake Khuvsgul. Most of the Tsaatan minority, or the reindeer breeders, live in this region. This ethnic people’s lifestyle and traditions are […]

Khuvsgul Lake

Lake Khövsgöl (Khuvsgul) is the largest freshwater lake in Mongolia by volume and second largest by area. It is located near the northern border of Mongolia. The lake is 136 kilometers long, 36 kilometers wide, 262 meters deep from its surface to the bottom and make up over 1% of the world’s fresh water. Khuvsgul […]

Khorgo-Terkh National Park

Khorgo-Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur National Park covers the picturesque Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake and the nearby Khorgo Mountain (a recently extinct volcano) in the north central khangai Mountains of Mongolia. The marshes along the west end of the lake are an important breeding and staging area for birds. The park is located in Tariat District of Arkhangai […]

Tsenkher Hot Springs

Tsenkher hot springs are located 30 km south of Tsetserleg city in a beautiful forested mountain valley in Arkhangai province. The +90″C hot spring water is supposed to have healing and relaxation properties. There are number of tourist camps and resorts.

Ugii Lake

Ögii Lake is a freshwater lake, 7.9 km long, 5 km wide located in eastern Arkhangai, in central Mongolia. The lake, designated as a Ramsar Site of International Importance, is known for its fish and for birdlife. It is a stopover point for migrating waterbirds of the family Anatidae. Almost half the lake is less […]

Orkhon Waterfall

Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape sprawls along the banks of the Orkhon River in Central Mongolia, some 320 km west from the capital Ulaanbaatar. It was inscribed by UNESCO in the World Heritage List as representing the development of nomadic pastoral traditions spanning more than two millennia. Orkhon waterfall is one of the most visited tourist […]

Mt. Khugnu Khan National Park

Khogno Khan National Park is centered on Khogno Khan Mountain, about 60 km east of Kharakorum. The park features many historical sites, including the ruins of a 17th-century monastery. It is located in Gurvanbulag District of Bulgan Province, about 240 km west of Ulaanbaatar. There are many historical places such as: Uvgun temple, granite statues, […]

Elsen Tasarkhai Sand Dune

Elsen tasarkhai is part of Mongolia’s sand dunes, which stretches along Tuv, Uvurkhangai and Burgan provinces. The dunes are 80km long. The widest part of the dunes is located in the Ikh Mongol Mountains and covers an area of ​​9-10 km2.